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Money Guiders Programme

If you wish to access the Money Guiders Programme Learning Hub and have an account, please select the ‘Log in’ button.

If you have not yet created an account then please use the ‘Click here to register’ option.

If you have any issues accessing the site please contact

Please note by accessing the platform you are confirming that we can share your details with the: Money Guiders partner organisation with which you register your learner account, our network delivery partners and with City and Guilds, and that you have read and understood our privacy policy and the privacy policies for Reed in PartnershipQuaker Social Action, and Money Advice Scotland (our network delivery partners) and for City and Guilds programmes.

Thank you 

The Money Guiders programme team and Learning Pool

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Os hoffech gyrchu’r Hwb Dysgu Rhaglen Arweinwyr Arian ac mae gennych gyfrif, dewiswch y botwm ‘Mewngofnodi’

Os nad ydych wedi creu cyfrif eto yna defnyddiwch yr opsiwn ‘Cliciwch yma i gofrestru’.

Os oes gennych unrhyw broblem cyrchu’r safle cysylltwch â

Nodwch drwy gyrchu'r platfform rydych yn cadarnhau y gallwn rannu eich manylion gyda'r Rhwydweithiau Dysgu – fel y gallwch gofrestru i fynychu unrhyw un o'r digwyddiadau, a chyda City & Guilds – er mwyn i chi allu hawlio eich cymwysterau digidol – ac rydych wedi darllen a deall ein polisi preifatrwydd ar gyfer rhaglenni City & Guilds”.

Y tîm rhaglen Arweinwyr Arian a Learning Pool